James Patrick Regan speaks with guitarist/composer Rod Abernethy in the new episode of “Have Guitar Will Travel.” A native of North Carolina, Rod teaches musical-composition courses at the UNC School for the Arts. He and James discuss his musical life beginning with that ever-vital first guitar (a Gibson SG Special), playing in rock bands as a kid, and why he has always been drawn to acoustic guitars liks his ’54 J-200. They touch on the guitars at Rod’s studio, share thoughts on amp builders, and reveal Rod’s favorite pastime – building steampunk robots! And of course they dig into his new instrumental album, Without a Word.
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Have Guitar Will Travel, hosted by James Patrick Regan, otherwise known as Jimmy from the Deadlies, is presented by Vintage Guitar magazine, the destination for guitar enthusiasts. Podcast episodes feature guitar players, builders, dealers and more – all with great experiences to share! Find all podcasts at www.vintageguitar.com/category/podcasts.