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The Bottle Rockets – Brand New Year and Leftovers

If you didn't know better, you'd swear after hearing the first few bars of "Nancy Sinatra," the opening song on the Bottle Rockets' Brand...

Dick Boak – Martin Guitar Masterpieces

Martin guitars are revered, collected, and played by performers, singers, songwriters and by legions of avid collectors and enthusiasts. If there has been a hallmark...

The Blasters – Live: Going Home

The Blasters were one of the greatest American rock bands ever. I'm also of the opinion that their lead guitarist and main songwriter,...

Tom Principato – Anniversary DVD: Celebrating 40 Years

Tom Principato is one of those guitarists who has been around for a long time. He's on the fringe of lots of stuff, has...

The Yardbirds – Birdland

It's hard not to be skeptical over every "reunion" that comes along when you've got Toad The Wet Sprocket reuniting after all these years...

Bernie Williams – The Journey Within

Yes, Bernie Williams plays center field for my beloved New York Yankees. And while many revel in the fact they were defeated in...

Frank Moriarty – Seventies Rock: A Decade of Creative Chaos

It's the music many of us grew up on. But it was different from the '60s. The Beatles were over, Jimi and Janis were...

Roy Buchanan – American Axe – Live In 1974

It's not too far of a stretch to say Roy Buchanan was one of the most unique guitar players in the past 40 years....

Evan Johns and The Hillbilly Soul Surfers – Moontan

Roots rock wild man Evan Johns returns with a taut but tasty trick bag that should fire the faithful, and make a few new...

Bob Dylan – The Bootleg Series, Vol. 5 & Bob Dylan Live 1975

Bob Dylan. Easily the most influential single musician of the second half of the 20th century, his name conjures a melange of images....
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