The Pinecaster: Early Electric Guitars 1920-1955

Nacho Baños and Lynn Wheelwright
Pinecasters: Paco Sinisterra.

Four volumes, 960 pages, more than 1,000 photos and historical documents – The Pinecaster is heavier than the heaviest 1958 ’burst. Plus, an accompanying app has more of everything, including guitar demos from Redd Volkaert, Julian Lage, Deke Dickerson, Duke Levine, and others.

The focus of the book is the development of Fender’s Esquire/Broadcaster/Nocaster/Telecaster – the earliest “pinecasters.” Along the way, it chronicles more than 100 pioneering production electric guitars including models from Stromberg Voisinet/Key, ViVi-Tone, Ro-Pat-In/Rickenbacher, National/Dobro, Volu-tone, AudioVox, Slingerland, Epiphone, Gibson, Regal, Vega, Harmony, Bigsby, and others.

The next three volumes dig deep into Fender’s beginnings, including prototypes and first production models few have even dreamed of. And that’s the wonderful, geeky glory of this work.

Lead “guitarist” on the project is Nacho Baños, who also oversaw creation of that fabulous book, The Blackguard. For this one, he teamed with noted historian and collector Lynn Wheelwright, as well as Billy Gibbons, who supplied stylish watercolor images, and other contributors.

This book is a work of art – on a work of art.

This article originally appeared in VG’s May 2022 issue. All copyrights are by the author and Vintage Guitar magazine. Unauthorized replication or use is strictly prohibited.